We’re trying to ask the deep questions We’re here trying to find out what we’re supposed to do We wake up everyday, compelled by a small thought in the back of our heads It speaks and it asks “We’re supposed to clean up today” “What do you want to do” It’s never the same. There is no grand scope. You don’t want to answer. What if the answer doesn’t fit with what it compelled you to do. We just skip, and skip and skip answering. We form our own universe inside the universe What we think we’re supposed to do… We take as what everyone is supposed to do. It’s not even, you gotta grow. It’s not even, you gotta do what you want do. It’s neither objective, nor subjective. It’s hard to battle with the thought that things just happen, and we compel ourselves to move forward just so later we can have a crisis. We don’t know what will happen. So how can you stop yourself from having a breakdown? We want to rebel, we want to change the fundamentals. We want to break free, but there’s also so much we already love doing. You want to scream, and cry and then pop out of existence. Get a permanent break until you’re ready to comeback. But we gotta move forward, keep the rhythm. I’m rambling and rambling. Idk how to help. I just keep myself happy until I cry and then repeat. We’ll find a better solution.