You're a big girl, you can do it
Ai crescut între timp
You've acquired new skills
Upgraded that mind of yours
Exposed yourself to new knowledge and new dangers
And evolved
You're yourself
But you're not because you're new
And maybe every second you reform from the cosmic dust
In what the spirit tells the universe your new version is
We don't know
Because all we remember are sequences, frames of a moment that maybe never was
You can't prove it
But in your heart, deep in your soul, you know it to be real
Because you feel the waves of that moment spreading up to the present
Causing you to feel something, being pain or pleasure or anything in between that words cannot describe
Head out there and be yourself, spread your cosmic dust, make the other beings sneeze, giggle, think, hate and in the end feel because your presence has to be felt
So you will have a memory of true moment that you believe to have been