I scream my name into the void, to see if it responds back, and then i hear, “sucker”
‘Who are you to tell me that? I won’t stand for it. You… you know what?! You’re nothing yourself, how am I the sucker?!’
Somehow, the void is staring back at me, Smiling, overfilled with joy, knowing it made me mad. I don’t believe it, I’m not the crazy one here. IT is, after all how can it talk to me, it has no mouth, no vocal cords.
‘You know what! I’ve had it! This is enough! How dare you take my integrity as a joke. Let me tell you, I’m no sucker, I’ve dedicated my life to doing good. I did things for others and for me, I was filled with joy. What do you have to say about that? HUH?’
A silence roared across the galaxy. Nothing, zilch, nada, no sign of life. I can see some distant stars, but otherwise it’s pitch black. Even when I’m alone, I’m not really left alone, am I?
‘M-o-t-h-e-r- F…ucker! Just fucking stop it. Stop talking to me, don’t you hear me? Let me be in peace. I am finally alone, and all I want is PEACE. JUST… FUCK… OFF…’
This time I won’t even respond. It weighed me down. I don’t want it anymore. If I want to be truly alone, I guess I have to be alone inside here. [points to the chest] I’ve flown to outer-space, where nobody can find me, so I can find peace, but all I’ve found is myself. AND I DON’T LIKE IT!
I won’t stand for a minute of it… I’m gonna hold myself and sit in silence until it goes away.